Miudiño Albariño 2007, Rias Baixas

I have given mixed reviews of Virgin Wines in the past.  In truth, the quality has varied from the sublime to the downright ugly, but you can’t argue with the prices.  That means value has to be taken into account.  For example, if you sign up for their Wine Bank promotion you merely need to commit a credit crunch dodging £20 per month to your wine account and every three months, Virgin adds another £20 implying a 25% discount on the prices on the site.

So, having tried some bottles at the cheapest end of the spectrum, I thought I would order a few at about a tenner.  But I forgot that this Miudiño Albariño advertised at £9.49 only cost me £7.12 because of Wine Bank.

Put that way, I have to say this wine is good value.  I would drink it more as a food wine than a pair of teeth.  It went particularly well with roast chicken and salad (with my secret dressing).

The colour is clean and pure golden straw, the nose flowery and herbal tea, the flavour peach and rice paper.  Definitely worth a try and I think there is a (carefully selected) place for Virgin in my wine repertoire.  However, it would be easier to find this wine if they spelt it correctly on their website.

3 Responses to “Miudiño Albariño 2007, Rias Baixas”

  1. Gabriella Opaz Says:

    Thanks for the suggestion! I haven’t tried this Miudiño Albariño, but you’ve peaked my interest.

  2. Paco Pérez Says:

    Es inconcebible que todavía se siga engañando a la gente haciendoles creer que todo lo que le llaman albariño, pertenece a la D.O. Rías Baixas.
    Este es el caso concreto de este vino blanco Miudiño. que no esta encuadrado dentro de la D.O.

  3. Paco Pérez Says:

    Tengo que pedir disculpas por mi equivocación anterior pero realmente este vino albariño Miudiño si esta encuadrado dentro de la D.O. Rías Baixas.

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